Why We Eloped

​It had long been a dream of mine to get married in Cabo. I’m excited to share how all of that came to fruition in my next blog. But, that’s not what this one is about, it’s about our elopement six months prior! We have been asked numerous times why we eloped in Japan before our wedding in Cabo. Some people came up with some pretty creative ideas!! I've decided to explain our story before I post the details about our amazing wedding in Cabo. So, here it goes..

Turning in our forms to get married

While planning our wedding in Cabo, our wedding planner told us the requirements to get married in Mexico. Everything was pretty standard except the blood test to prove you aren't related. She explained to us that we would have to take a blood test a few days before our wedding down in Mexico. She said there have been many close calls with these tests not getting done in time and advised us to go to a court house in America and get married in advance. Apparently, it’s quite common. ​

Anthony and I decided to make getting married in advance something to remember and not just going to the Nashville court house. We thought about doing it in Vegas! We found a chapel and decided we would do it there. However, with baseball being the longest season (February to October), we felt coming home from Japan on Halloween and rushing to Vegas in-between holidays while having jet lag and still planning our wedding would be too much on our plate. And then, it hit us..why not Japan?! It was the first place we lived together, it was the biggest adventure we had ever experienced and it was the place our relationship truly grew and made us closer than ever. (Japan also didn't require a blood test ha). We did our research and discovered all we needed were a few forms filled out, our birth certificates, passports and witnesses. The only extra step we had to do to make it legal in The United States was go to the American Consulate office and get our marriage certificate notarized. We started getting so excited. We looked at the Baseball schedule and the only day we would be able to go in the next two months was August 1st.

Our friend and witness, Danielle took a few photos of me putting Anthony’s ring on right outside the courthouse. So on August 1st 2016 we went into the court house, along with our witnesses, turned in our paper work and that was it!
We were married! Taxi ride to lunch after elopingCheese Burger at Freshness BurgerAfter we were married we went and grabbed a cheese burger and fries before catching a flight to the next city for his game.
A few weeks later we received our beautiful marriage certificate all in Japanese writing and outlined in gold. It hangs on the wall in our Nashville home. We can't wait to share our story with our children one day!

Thanks for all the love and support. I hope this clears things up. Can’t wait to share our story about our fairy tale wedding!
